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Payment & Security
You can pay using any of the following methods.
- Visa
- Visa Electron
- Mastercard
- Maestro
- American Express
- Paypal
- Klarna
- Apple Pay
We take security very seriously so you can rest assure when you enter any of your details they’ll be safe with us.
To give you even more confidence in shopping online with HIP, we have introduced Verified by Visa and MasterCard® SecureCode™ . These services enhance your existing credit/debit card accounts against unauthorised use when you shop with us.
To use this service, you must first register with the bank or other organisation that issued your card.

Verified by Visa (or 3D Secure) is an added layer of security for online card transactions. A private code known only to you and your bank helps protect you against unauthorised use of your card. In simple terms, Verified by Visa is chip and pin online.
For more information on Verified by Visa, check out our guidehere.

MasterCard SecureCode (or 3D Secure) is an added layer of security for online card transactions. A private code known only to you and your bank helps protect you against unauthorised use of your card. In simple terms, MasterCard SecureCode is chip and pin online.
For more information on MasterCard SecureCode, check out our guide here.

Simply enter the promo code in the field provided in your Shopping Basket before you proceed to the checkout. If you cannot find this field or you’re having difficulty entering the code, please get in touch by giving us a call on 0161 831 7870. before you place your order as we may not be able to add the discount at a later stage if the code is not entered. We aim to respond to your query within 4 hours.
Should you have a query, please Contact Us.

Yes. When you input your name, address or credit/debit card details on to the website, the information is protected by the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This encrypts your details and ensures that the information you submit cannot be read in the unlikely event it is intercepted. If you are unsure as to when the SSL security is being applied, check that there is a padlock icon or key icon in the grey bar at the base of the page you are reading. We also use MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa for added security when paying with these payment methods.